Tinesha Boswell: A Woman Who Is Fighting Against The Odds To Survive
By Charron Monaye
Tinesha Boswell was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA and she is a wife, mother, Motivational Speaker, Wellness Coach, an aspiring author. Tinesha has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management degree from University of Phoenix. She is also a Certified Wellness Coach, Certified Life Coach, Wife Mentor Coach, Fitness Coach and is currently studying Nutrition and Aromatherapy.
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Tinesha Boswell, and I am a wife, a mother of two adult children, ages 25 and 20, and I have a bonus son who is 21 years old and I have a grandson who is 3 years old.
What inspired you to embark on the road of entrepreneurship and authorship?
My dad was a very hard worker, and he made sure he did what he could to take care of his family. My dad took care of all the bills, and although my mom worked, that money was for her. With that being said, I knew what hard work meant, but I had no idea what being an entrepreneur was; I didn’t have any examples of what that looked like growing up. Please don’t laugh, but I never heard of Avon or Mary Kay until I became a travel agent in 2007, and that is when I caught the bug! You mean to tell me that I can travel AND make money? It was a no brainer for me. Even though I was having fun, traveling like crazy, and making money, it was not my passion. I continued working that business until I was introduced to coaching in 2014. In 2015 I decided to partner with BeachBody and start my own coaching career. It has not been easy, but it is gratifying to see how I was able to help transform lives. As far as authorship, I have never thought about writing a book because I have always struggled with my written communication. I figured that written communication is the same as any form of communication; my ideas and thoughts are still being conveyed!
After writing in three books (authoring one), I learned that regardless of how good of a writer you were, someone else still needed to edit the text for you. That’s when a friend of mine Charron, said anyone could be a writer with help. She made me realize that I didn’t have to be the best writer, but I would need to get help since I knew my struggles. That’s when I decided to write my book “Don’t Give Up Too Soon: 10 ways to help you ReSET Your Energy, Mindset, Wellness, and Tranquility.”
You are an Author as well. Tell us about your book(s) and what message, lesson or encouragement you are conveying to your readers?
When talking with women, many of them would tell me how they felt inadequate due to their emotional, physical, or spiritual instabilities due to a chronic illness or their personal situation. When writing the book, I thought about these women who were struggling to live their best life due to these very issues. In the book, we go over the importance of having compassion for ourselves, as well as empathy for others. As nurturer’s, we give our all to everyone but ourselves, and until we recognize that we are no good to anyone unless we are WELL; without that we will always struggle. This book will teach you different techniques on how to take better care of ourselves so that we can be all we can be for our families, jobs, or businesses, etc. You will learn how to forgive yourself with the action steps provided in the book and understand why it is vital that we are healthy, happy and honest with ourselves and everyone in our lives. If are you struggling with your emotions, struggling on how to have compassion for yourself or empathy for others, then this book is for you.
Being that you are still growing the book industry, what are some of the challenges and joys you have been faced with? What continues to be your driving force to create in such a saturated market?
When I originally wrote the book, I included a lot of stories about me and how I overcame my obstacles. However, after writing the book, I realized that the book isn’t about me because I wanted something that I can use to coach my clients, use as a guide for speaking engagements and to teach classes from but also a book that an individual can use at their own pace. The book was written to make you think about where you are in life based on each topic. After reading the passage, there’s a coaching corner that gives you space to answer the questions, and if you are answering the questions honestly, it will help bring some peace and tranquility in your life. Being a new entrepreneur in the book industry, I found that writers have their community and language that they speak, which is different than any business I’ve been apart of as an entrepreneur. It has been challenging to understand where I fit in. I realized that if I wanted to learn more about the industry, I had to hire a coach, Charron with Pen Legacy, to help me understand the industry and how to stay relevant. In the beginning, I was selling books like hot cakes, but I learned that after your friends and family support you, you must get creative to stay in the game. It was fun to write the book because to ensure the book would be useful, I had to do the assignments myself, and it bought me so much joy to the point I had to tell the world about it. I love helping people grow through their challenges, and even if I didn’t sell another book, it was worth my time and energy. That is what drives me to be a driving force to be apart of this book community.
2020 is such a visionary year, what do you have coming up or releasing soon?
As a coach, my goal is to help any woman who is struggling with their identity due to their ailments or medical conditions that make them feel less of a woman. The main purpose of the book is to help women through their trials and tribulations. It focuses on their mindset, understanding their bodies, and to know that we are going to have to fight for a healthier lifestyle through my signature program. I have participated in writing another chapter in an anthology called “Slay Your legacy.” I will also be introducing Virtual Wellness Chats as well as in-person chats at different locations. I realized that I love to teach, so I am creating a platform to build my portfolio to just that.
How can our readers support you?
I can be found on IG and Facebook as Tinesha Boswell. My Facebook business fan page name is Ipush wellness with Tinesha Boswell or @Tinesha.iPushWellness. My website is Ipushwellness.com.
You are not your illness, let’s focus, train and fight for a healthier lifestyle together!