Kinyatta E. Gray: A Woman Who's Living Her Mother's Dream Out Loud

By Charron Monaye

Tell us about yourself?
I am Kinyatta E. Gray, from the Washington, DC area. I launched a business brand and a travel blog called FlightsInStilettos in 2018. My brand, FlightsInStilettos has been spotted around the globe and worn by celebrities. I am also an Amazon Best Selling Author. My memoir (30 Days) was published in 2019. After being inspired by other aspects of my life, I lead a 6-woman book anthology called Passing As Straight (2020) and my 3rd book is scheduled for release in 2020 entitled From Section 8 to C.E.O. Last but not least, I am a wife, a mom to two adult children and I have one adorable grandson.

What inspired you to embark on the road of entrepreneurship and authorship?
I was inspired to start my business FlightsInStilettos based on my real-life travel style of traveling glamorously through the airport — literally wearing stilettos.

I was inspired to become an author to honor the legacy of my mother, Beverly E. Carroll who always wanted to be a published author, but did not achieve that before her sudden passing. Therefore, I decided to go the rest of the way for my mom and became an author.

You are an Author as well. Tell us about your book(s) and what message, lesson or encouragement you are conveying to your readers?
The common theme that I share in my books is that love prevails. I write about listening to your inner voice, spirituality, walking in your truth, determination, courage, beating the odds, resilience and allowing love to heal.

Being that you are still growing the book industry, what are some of the challenges and joys you have been faced with? What continues to be your driving force to create in such a saturated market?
I have not experienced any challenges because my heart and intent were in a different place than most when I decided to become an author. I wrote about an experience and the story was published, that was my goal. Now, of course, I want my message to be heard, hence people have to buy it, but my personal goal to write the books to honor a legacy is what motivated me — not fame and fortune, but for the honor.

The joys of writing the books are a tremendous sense of accomplishment and knowing I did this because I wanted to complete something not completed by my mom and the rewards of knowing that my stories and my truth and my transparency inspires others.

2020 is such a visionary year, what do you have coming up or releasing soon?
In 2020, my books Passing As Straight: Beautiful Women Whose True Sexuality Went Undetected by a Judgmental Society was released in February 2020 and is now available via Amazon. My 3rd book, From Section 8 to C.E.O. will be available in the spring of 2020.

In March, I will be rolling out a fantastic Glam Girl Beach Towel and Book Bundle deal. I’ll be combining the best (customer favorites) of my business FlightsInStilettos with my books hence offering the customers an unbeatable deal on their favorite products from me.

How can our readers support you?
Thank you for asking. I’d like to invite your readers to follow my Instagram pages @flightsinstilettos and @kinyattagraytheauthor and my websites: and . Thank you for this interview on your honorable platform.

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